The need to provide high quality products and service is for Aemme an essential target which is strictly connected to its continuos expansion on the market.
The size and type of company, in fact, are such as to force it to be competitive with both “paint retailers” (which counts on the quality of traded products while offering an excellent service to small users) and medium/large wholesalers (requesting to supply the market with high quality products but with a general less efficient service offered to small users).
In order to be competitive with each other the company should be able to offer a reliable and qualitative standard at the same level, if not higher, than those offered by large manufacturers, as well as provide a timing and accurate service to medium/small users than that offered by the retailers.
To accomplish this target Aemme is equipped with such a structure able to understand the needs of small and medium users, meet customer’s demand for the formulation ofsuitable products and coating systems, coooperating with customer to to carry out laboratory test in order to define technical parameters and supply specifications to be followed for future commitments.
In order to achieve these targets appropriate working and safety procedures have been issued; adequate and continually updated instructions are given to the staff as well as appropriate procedures for the use of the equipment and quality control procedures have been set; finally a careful supervision and a review of all quality and safety aspects are foresen by th company management, particularly focused and in particular by the quality assurance manager.
Product testing is carried out in three basic stages:
1) Compliance testing of raw materials
2) Compliance testing of production semi-finished (intermediate) products
3) Compliance testing with final inspection of each finished product
For each compliance test a written record is stored
Any significant change is recorded and the collected information is used to update and adjust the entire process.
The non-compliance of finished or semi-finished products is marked by sticking a red label and these products are immediately stored in a separated area.
Each product returned back by customers for any reason is classified as "non-compliant", marked with a red label and separated into the appropriate area until a prompt decision on its destination is taken.
The reuse of "non-compliant products" has to be authorized in written form by the Technical Director, who may also on the other hand authorize their destruction.
The collected information are used to analyze the reliability of the process and take the appropriate corrective action.
50% of production is on customer’s comitment by means a of written order that can be open for a maximum of three months; other products are those of current sale and normally stocked in the warehouse.
For this reason there are no deadline problems due to a long storage.
Each package mailed reports the number of batch and, clearly, the production and expiration date.
With each first product delivery both a technical and safety product data sheet are supplied.
If required by the contract, each delivery is accompanied by an inspection label or a conformity certificate where all the records of the production batch are reported.
The transport of the products is carried out with the company’s truck or by a suitable ADR certified freight forwarders.
The company offers effective customer support, always available for technical assistance and advise on the use of thier products.Through our salesmen and with targeted visits, any information related to the quality of our product and to the quality of our service is collected. Every visit is recorded and when required a complete written technical report is also sent to customer.
Via Patta 12
24020 Ranica(Italy)
Capitale sociale 100.000 euro
Tel: +39 035 51 33 73
Fax: +39 035 51 32 11
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