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Agente Antisdrucciolo

Agente Antisdrucciolo


Code: N00700

Based on silica-sand it is generally added to Deck Paint (Smalto per Coperta) to provide a hard wearing non-slipping surface.

For surface preparation please refer to the product data sheet of the specific product to which the anti-slipping agent is added.  The quantity of antislipping agent to be added to the paint is approximately 20-30% by weight, depending however by the specific requirements involved. It can be mixed directly in to the paint under stirring or applied by sieving on the wet paint film already applied onto the surface.  


Paint Type silica powder
Solids content (weight) ±2 100%
Note Unlimited storage
Application 20-30% by weight approximately
Touch dry in base al prodotto usato
Relevant humidity Less than 80%

Color code: N00700


Before starting paint application please carefully read all the safety precautions indicated on the label of each can or in the product safety data sheet available on request. For further information please do not hesitate to contact our technical staff.


The above information is given to the best of our current knowledge, however, because the conditions of use of our products are beyond our control, no warranty is given or to be implied in respect of such information. Our technical staff can be contacted to study customer's specific requirements involving our products in order to enable their most effective use. Dilution rates and drying times must be considered only indicative, mainly related to a temperature of 20 ° C (68°F) and may vary according to prevailing temperature, in presence of particular weather conditions or depending on application procedures.