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Nitro Gloss Enamel (Binder)

Nitro Gloss Enamel (Binder)


Code: 3ANE00

Fast-drying nitro based gloss enamel for steel and wood substrates pre-treated with suitable primers. Performs a gloss finish with good characteristics of coverage and flexibility.


Bare Steel.
If sandblasting is not possible, remove all traces of corrosion by mechanical wirebrush or sanding disk. Dust off, degrease the substrate with Nitro Thinner 723. Apply 1-2 coats of suitable anticorrosive primer and let dry. Overcoat with 1-2 coats of NITRO GLOSS ENAMEL allowing the required waiting time between coats.

Painted steel. Remove any loose or powdery paint with a scraper. Remove trace of corrosion with a mechanical wirebrush or sanding disk and sandpaper the surface with medium abrasive paper (280-320). Dust off and degrease the surface with Nitro Thinner 723. Apply as soon as possible one coat of anticorrosive primer onto the bare parts of the surface and a second one if required. Let dry and apply 4-8 hours. Overcoat with 1-2 coats of NITRO GLOSS ENAMEL allowing the required waiting time between coats.

Bare Wood
. Onto dry, clean and well seasoned wood apply a first coat of TURAPORI AM//9 to seal the pores of wood and sandpaper after 2-4 hours. Overcoat with 1-2 coats of NITRO GLOSS ENAMEL allowing the required waiting time between coats.

Painted wood. Remove any loose or powdery paint with a scraper and sandpaper with medium abrasive paper (280-320). Rinse with suitable detergent product and let dry. Overcoat with 1-2 coats of NITRO GLOSS ENAMEL allowing the required waiting time between coats.

Paint Type One component
Binder type A Nitre
Specific gravity kg/lt (±0,05) 0.972 - 0.985
Solids content (weight) ±2 30%
Viscosity Ford ø 8 at 20°C ±2 180-240 Ø4 (20°C)
Shelf life +23°C (±2) 30 months in unopened cans
Viscosity Ford (Ø4 a 20°C) 180-240 sec.
Application Spray
Spray 15-25% Thinner 723 Nitro (Ready for use if applied by dipping)
Dust dry 10-15 minutes (20c)
Recoat time 4-8 h
Application temperature Between +10 C and +40 C
Relevant humidity Less than 80%
Dry film thickness advised 40 dry microns
Theoret. coverage m2/Lt 8-10
Colour mixing by weight 81,5 parts of Neutral Base with 18,5 parts of Colouring pastes (by weight)

Colors: NEUTRO
Color code: 3ANE00


Before starting paint application please carefully read all the safety precautions indicated on the label of each can or in the product safety data sheet available on request. For further information please do not hesitate to contact our technical staff.


The above information is given to the best of our current knowledge, however, because the conditions of use of our products are beyond our control, no warranty is given or to be implied in respect of such information. Our technical staff can be contacted to study customer's specific requirements involving our products in order to enable their most effective use. Dilution rates and drying times must be considered only indicative, mainly related to a temperature of 20 ° C (68°F) and may vary according to prevailing temperature, in presence of particular weather conditions or depending on application procedures.